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What is 710 DAY?
420, is cannabis culture, a number derived from a 1971 program to find discarded cannabis crops.
Then 710 is a festival belonging to OIL. The reason is very simple. If you look at OIL upside down, it is the number 710.
Unlike the 30-year-old 4/20 holiday celebration, the 7/10 holiday is a recent phenomenon celebrating various types of cannabis extracts and oils.

Before states started legalizing it, making cannabis oil was dangerous because it was mostly private or in individual workshops, a highly flammable process without quality assurances or safety regulations.
Since legalization in Colorado, the state has passed laws prohibiting the use of dangerous and/or flammable solvents such as butane in the manufacture of concentrates, improving the quality of the oil produced and increasing safety whom likes of cannabis wax, oils, and extracts.
Dabbing at 710
The process of dabbing might sound more complicated than smoking marijuana or eating food, but it’s actually quite simple. To dab, place a small amount of cannabis oil, extract, concentrate, or wax (called a “dab”) on a heated surface. Typically, this surface is a metal or ceramic chamber within a vaporizer or similar device. The heat causes the marijuana to release a bolus of cannabinoids, which you then inhale.

Happy 710 Day
For those of you who love concentrates, Happy Oil Day! We hope you enjoy your dabs! For those who don’t participate, it’s okay! Whatever you end up doing, we want you to have a safe and fun 710.
To celebrate 710, RELEAFYMALL specially offers a 20% discount on all products, as long as you fill in the promo code: 710RELEAFY when you place an order.